Ticker: DARKX
Contract Address:
Chain: Polygon Chain (CRC20)
Contract: 0x267676A178Ea90a6dde08D09094aA95EECc3fa59
DARKX is the core token that powers the X3defi ecosystem.
You will be able to earn DARKX from yield farms, and pools, or buy it on the exchange. DARKX is an environment token. Holding DARKX lets you explore a variety of use cases across the X3defi ecosystem, such as:
Stake it in pools or farms to earn rewards
Get access to genesis pools for launching projects
Stake it in pools and farms of connected projects
Total Supply
21,000,000 DARKX
Initial Allocation
40% (8,400,000 DARKX ) for liquidity
30% (6,300,000 DARKX) will be allocated for farming and staking pools.
15% (3,150,000 DARKX) will be used for marketing, including promotional activities, CEX listings, and further ecological construction.
15% (3,150,000 DARKX) will be used for development. Farm and pool emissions will be released over time depending on the emission per block. We will be tapering down emissions along the way once the team feels that the liquidity is sufficient on our platform for trading.
To ensure the sustainability of the entire ecosystem, the team decided to equip DARKX with minimal buy and sell fees.
Buy Fee: 4% (2% Marketing, 2% to build liquidity)
Sell Fee: 6% (2% Marketing, 4% to build liquidity)
Last updated